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My weeb days have been discovered

Thanks Rebekah

3DS Impressions Video

So recently (meaning today we got to try out the 3DS at the Best Buy at the Crabtree Valley Mall in Raleigh. I can officially say without a doubt that it is pretty awesome. The 3d work quite well, the buttons feel sturdy, the build quality is high and the screen is very nice looking.  Just hit the link for the full preview. Continue reading

Kara no Kyoukai Coming To US, But Not In The Way Many Had Hoped

So, Kara no Kyoukai is being released in the US, but not at a reasonable price for the US anime market. At $400 to order from RightStuf, you will be getting all of it along with a nice box and an art book. But, what about the people that have never seen it and would like to watch it atleast once? FUCK THEM! I have been told this is for collectors by many people on forums.

Now, I count myself as an anime collector, but, I also have the common sense to know that I shouldn’t spend a whole pay check on 1 series that is shorter than most shows I can get for $100. And yes, I know I spent close to $250 on Lucky Star LE singles and $200 on Haruhi singles, but that was also spread out over months. I can’t afford to spend $400 on something I may or may not like.

Then, there are people on other sites saying that people like me who say support the industry are hypocrites for not being willing to spend $400 on this. Well,  I would be a hypocrite if I were to go and download it after saying that, but I have no intention to do so since I believe someone will eventually release a cheaper version somewhere down the line. I surely hope someone does though, because this is reminding of the old days of anime that I was not really part of as much since I was 10 or younger.

I just want to watch KnK without going bankrupt. That is all.

Oh well, I can wait. I mean shit, I have waited much longer for things (such as teh time between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime). There are tons more for me to buy while I wait  for a reasonable release of KnK. Until then,  will just wait. If it never is released, then I just wont see it. If not seeing one thing were to bother me, I would be crazy since I still haven’t seen the thousands of other anime out there.

Info via ANN

Best Anime Ever To Be Created

Are you prepared for the most epic fucking anime ever to make you jizz in you fucking pants?


Hit the link below for the second and third episodes Continue reading

I Will Never look At Bayonetta The Same Way Ever Again

WARNING: The following video will probably offend people, but I don’t really care. It’s your choice whether or not you want to watch it. But in all honesty, it is rather funny.

Also, this is definitely NSFW

[Dailymotion id=xcoqdz]


Canaan BluRay May Not Ship On Time (But Only If You Didn’t Order From RightStuf)

So, as you may have read from the title of this post which comes 2 months after my last post, it seems that the BluRay version of Canaan is only shipping if you ordered it from RightStuf. Amazon has stated that they didn’t receive any copies and are put on a 2 month backorder until further notice. Many other people in this thread on ANN are stating they had the same or similar happen to them with other stores.

Just getting a warning out for those who happened to be waiting for a shipping confirmation from Amazon and didn’t receive one. I myself hit them up wit ha question and got an answer back quickly, so that’s how I know about the backorder. Just gonna cancel my Amazon order, pay the extra $6, and wait a a couple extra days I suppose to get it from RightStuf since at least they should ship it out accordingly.

Also, to those who are all “LOL, YOU MAD? I HAZ MUH COPY ON DUH DVD!” Fuck you and your toilet. Ok, not really, but I am still mad.

Around The World – AMV

This is one of the best AMVs I have ever watched. It even has a remix of that Fireflies song that makes me like the song.

America! AMV By Kearly

WARNING: If the word FUCK offends you, then get the FUCK out and don’t FUCK around anymore since this AMV says FUCK a whole FUCKing lot.

Skip ahead 25 seconds to start or just wait it out.

I Officially Hate Fullmetal Alchemist Now!

PLEASE NOTE: This is by no means a high quality post, in fact, it is probably one of the shittiest I have done. There will more than likely be grammatical errors, run on sentences, and things that probably make no sense what so ever, but frankly, I don’t give a flying dog shit out of a rats ass since I do it for free and mostly for MY entertainment. More than likely, you will walk away if you read the whole thing thinking I am crazy and just nerd raged all over myself.

So, as you can see from the title of this post, I hate FMA now. Used to like it, but now I hate it. Mostly because it get  ratings that are too high, everyone who calls themselves an anime fan just because they watch FMA on Adult Swim, and because it uses the same tired old joke of “I AM NOT SHORT!” religiously.Oh, and it is partially because I started to attempt to re-watch it since my brother bought the first half of the original FMA, but I ended up just stopping because it was way to boring to me. Maybe I have changed over the years since it has been roughly 4 years since I last watched it, but it was just boring.

First, I will start off by addressing the rating. As you can see from my screen cap above, it has an average of 9.15 while Clannad ~After Story~ (a far superior show) has a rating of 9.07. I wouldn’t have cared that my favorite anime is #5 had FMA Brotherhood been below it, but what bothers me is the fact the FMA Brotherhood is at the top. I mean fuck shit balls, how many people from Adult Swim came and rated it that high? Because it sure as hell wasn’t like that before it came on Adult Swim. All the people that rated it 10 and 9 need to watch something other than AS, and if they watch a lot more anime, and still find FMA that good, then it is alright since they broadened their horizon. But most of the ratings came from the anime fans who only watch what comes on AS forgetting they can buy plenty from RightStuf and Amazon.

Now for the anime fans who have only seen FMA and think they are true fans. You aren’t, but you can be, all you gotta do is watch something else other than Adult Swim. This is one thing that pissed me off when I was in high school.

Everyone in the school knew me as the king anime watcher/gamer. Seriously, everyone knew that when I went home, that’s all I did, so I had quite a few of the AS only fans try to talk to me about anime, a lot. So, when I went off naming things like Toradora, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Clannad or Slayers, they looked at me like “WTF are those?” But if I were to mention Death Note, I was met with “HOLY SHIT! I FUCKING LOVE ELIMINATING PEOPLE WITH MY DEATH NOTE LIKE LIGHT!” *pulls out crappy home made death note* “SEE, ISN’T IT AWESOME!?!?” I myself like Death Note and all, but not that much. Damn it, I just realize I typed most of this paragraph with mentioning FMA. Well, you can essentially replace the underlined words with FMA related one to get the same thing.

And the retarded “I AM NOT SHORT!” joke, well, it was kinda funny the first time, the 1000th time after that, it wasn’t.

So, that was my rather crappy post about why I hate FMA now. I don’t expect anyone to actually find it of quality since I did it while tired and having to go to the bathroom really badly.

Shiki, The Vampires Are Cool Again Anime, Promo Up Now

Shiki, the anime that is making vampires cool again for me, has had it’s promo posted. Here be the link to it.

Shiki is about a village of roughly 1,300. Slowly, the people start to die off, and they eventually find out there is a vampire attack going on. That right there already makes it better than the other vampire shit the US has been releasing (Twilight). But what do I think based on the promo? well, there wasn’t really a whole lot to it. I know the art isn’t that bad, and there are some people that like to talk all at the same time, but that is about all I know from it.

Shiki is slated to start airing July 8th in Japan. ALso, it will probably be acquired by FUNimation based on the track record of Fuji TV anime.

Bad Ass Bionic Cat Gets Us One Step Closer To Ghost In the Shell Animals

This cat was in an accident with some farm equipment (proves farmers need to stop using giant ass blades on things that don’t need them) and an awesoem vet gave this cat bionic leg nubs.

It seems we are getting closer to bionic everything. Maybe one day we can have robotic bodies that never age so I can live forever. I don’t care what people say, I’m never going to be tired of living since there is always something new coming out.

Working!! Opening In Mario Paint And Piano

Mario Paint Composer is one of the greatest programs released. The way people are able to re-create songs with some weird sounds and different pitches is amazing to me, and this is no exception.

See the rest by clicking the link.

Continue reading


I started my second job today. This time I will be temporarily working in the IT department of a pharmacy. It’s not really like the image above, but it is still better than standing in one spot for 5 hours in the sun. Though, I wouldn’t mind being able to work with Aoi Yamada since she is so awesome. Yamada isn’t in this image though, so it’s not that great.

Over all, it was a decent day, got some stuff done there, and came home to sleep. It feels like school in a way, except I’m the youngest there, I think. Haven’t seen anyone that is under 18, so I think I can safely assume I am the youngest. But who cares, I have a job, even if it is only for 5 or 6 weeks. That just means a little extra spending money for me.

Anime wise today, I have watched the 12th episode of Working!! and plan to watch the rest of Shuffle! volume 5 before bed. I am hoping to rewatch most of my anime by the time I start college in August, but I don’t know how that will go, we will have to wait and see. I doubt I will make it since that is like, 300 DVDs at the moment. To be precise, it is 287 DVDs, and possibly more since I am hoping to have My-Otome by next week, which will be another 7  DVDs. Thats roughly 5 a day, each being around 1.5 hours… Ok, I won’t make it, but I think I can do by the end of the year at least.

Well, I’m gonna get back to watching Shuffle! now. Thanks for reading what I had to say!

New Aki Sora ~Yume no Naka~ promo video up

Aki Sora, the weird incest anime about some guy (Sora) who wants to do his sister (Aki) has had it’s new OAV promo posted. Link is right here, but looks a little NSFW.

I guess everyone is into incest style stuff now with KissxSis becoming popular. But, KissxSis isn’t really incest since they aren’t really related, so I don’t know. The top picture seems like a good summary of the show since when I searched for it, it was the most SFW pic I could find. I guess we will find out if the new OAV is as seemingly raunchy as the first soon enough when airs this July.


Or rather, it will be in roughly 24 hours because of the summer solstice. But who give a flying dogs ass about that detail. It’s hot, people are doing things outside, and old people aren’t saying it’s too cold anymore (instead it’s my brother). But the main thing is that I graduated from high school 5 days ago. I officially started my adult life then, but it hasn’t been much different since I still have no job, I still play video games all the time, and I still spend a majority of my money on anime. Today alone, I spent $175, so I really need a job since it is hard to keep my pockets full with no income of my own.

Now then, who is excited about it being summer? Other than the fact that I am not in school anymore, I hate summer. It’s hot, the sun is too bright since my eyes dilate at what has to be the slowest speed possible. I walk out and it all looks like someone turned the bloom effect to max. Can’t see shit. Can’t wait for Fall and Winter though since I start college, which may or may not be any better than high school, but I can hope. Also, it will be cold, which is better to me since 72 degrees is hot to me.

I just realized something, it is 12AM, maybe I should start watching TV now. Oh well, I will be back tomorrow, and sorry if this makes no sense since I don’t plan to re-read it for mistakes or  coherency.

The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya season 2 US release details

Well, it’s about time. We finally have a US release date for  the Season 2 box set and it is August 17, 2010.

It will include both English and Japanese voices, English ssubtitles, location scouting videos, Behind the scenes of a music video by Aya Hirano, promo videos, commercials, all the episodes of the Adventures of the ASOS Brigade, and a CD with the opening and ending.

MSRP is $64.98, but we all know it will be cheaper on most sites anyways. Hell, Amazon already has it listed for $44.99

This is a day 1 purchase for me, thats for sure. And it seems there are plenty of people excited for the release on facebook and a couple of the forums I have been on, even if Endless eight is on there. But, we will find out how many people actually buy it come August.
